Diplomatic Conference - postponed until further notice


Diplomatic Conference - postponed until further notice

08 jun

Diplomatic Conference - postponed until further notice

Ljubljana, Slovenia
Formal negotiations for a Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of the Crime of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes

Postponement Diplomatic Conference MLA Initiative (8-19 June 2020)

After careful consideration and in response to the continuing developments surrounding COVID-19, the Core Group of the MLA initiative regrets to inform you that the Diplomatic Conference on the MLA initiative (scheduled for 8-19 June 2020, Ljubljana) is postponed until further notice.

As there is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding Covid-19 and how the situation will develop around the world in the coming period, the Core Group is not yet able to communicate a new date for the Diplomatic Conference. However, we can inform you that the Diplomatic Conference will not take place in 2020. A new date will be announced in due course.

In light thereof the deadline for written comments on the Draft Convention has been moved to the 1st of October 2020.

We remain convinced that together we can make the MLA initiative an important tool in the fight against impunity. We will continue our efforts throughout these challenging circumstances. Thank you for your support, patience and cooperation so far. We remain at your disposal and look forward to continuing our fruitful discussions in the near future.

Call for written comments on Draft Convention

The Draft Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of the Crime of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes is available through both www.mla-initiative.com and www.gov.si/en/mla-initiative.

States, international organizations and civil society are invited to share written comments, preferably concrete text suggestions, on the Draft Convention before the 1st of October 2020. Written comments can be sent by e-mail to MLA-initiative@minjenv.nl.

We kindly ask you to refrain from including personal data in these written comments (e.g. track-changes that trace back to an individual).